Saturday, November 1, 2008

Kael's Birth

My family was going to North Carolina on January 14th, right around my due date. I was getting really nervous because I wanted my family there when the baby came. I kept asking my doctor if it would be a good idea to be induced on the 11th. Under most circumstances doctor's will not induce because it makes things more complicated. Dr. Stevens told me that we would go ahead with the induction on the 11th but he was not promising that it would be smooth or quick. I did not care what it took because I was determined through pray that I would have this baby one way or another.

I arrived at the hospital at 8 o'clock that night and did not get started on pitocin and cervadil until 9 p.m. I started having minor contractions by midnight and by 9 the next morning I was only dilated to two centimeters. The applied another batch of cervadil which helps thin the cervix and allows for dilation to occur more easily. That stayed in for another 12 hours and when I was checked again I had not changed at all.

The contractions had got very intense and the only way I could manage them was to close my eyes and lay completely still. Rolling onto my sides helped with some of the back labor I was having. When I decided to turn onto my other side my water broke.

It was 10:30 p.m. on the 12th of January and I had now been laboring for over 24 hours. The pain was getting so intense that the nurse decided it was time for my epidural. I was contracting all the way through the epidural that I did not even feel the epidural. The pain of the contractions out-weighed thepain of the epidural. After about 5 minutes all my pain was relieved. I was a new person after that. To any one who is going to have a baby and is not anticipating a lot of pain I totally recomend an epidural.

By 11:45 p.m. I still had not dilated to the doctors expectations and with the baby's heart rate dipping with each contraction they decided that it was better to have a c-section. I skipped that part of the book about c-sections because you never think that it could happen to you. I envisioned labor like my twin sister where she pushed her daughter out in 27 minutes.

I was very nervous and scared because I feared being cut open and the recovery with a newborn to deal with. You can read about the details of the c-section by going to the tab labeled c-section. At 12:08 a.m. Kael James was born. He was 7 pounds 13 ounces and 20 3/4 inches long. More pictures of him are also available to view.

Being a first time mom I had so many emotions when Kael was born. I was new to every thing. To look at him for the first time and see what was growing inside me for the past 9 months was just priceless. He was a beautiful baby, even though I might be a little biased. Walter was the first one to hold him and he just looked so alert.

I was sent to my private room where we would be spending the rest of the time until we were discharged. As soon as I got there I had to learn how to breastfeed. That is a whole topic in its self but fourtunately Kael was a pro. He latched right on and nerver looked back.

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