Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Proposal My Blessing

Once again Walter asks me out to another date but this time he took me to the Argosi Buffet down on the Levy. We had been spending every day together since we went on our first date. We went to church together, sporting events, and watched movies. After we ate he took me over to the the fountain in front of Bravo where we had our first date. It was so cold and I kept wondering why are we here, can't we just go inside somewhere. We walked over to the benches around the fountain and I sat there with him kind of confused because I could feel something was different that night. Out of a nervous habit I turned my head to avoid eye contact and before I could turn my head back he had pulled out the cutest platinum ring with a princess cut diamond and asked me to marry him. Let me remind you that this was in January of 2006. Only about a month had gone by since our first date. I looked at him and I could tell he was nervous because his voice cracked a little. I said yes, of course! I put the ring on and we walked back to the car. I think I was in shock the whole way back to his house. I waited until the next day to tell my twin exactly what had happened so I could totally explain to her how I was engaged only after a month and a half. I think she was more shocked than I was!

I know what you must be thinking. How could we get engaged when we only have been dating a month or so? I always had the feeling that when you know, you know. I had been in relationships before where I questioned even being with that person but I knew that if I even got the chance to marry someone like Walter I would never pass it up. That is really what went through my mind. He was established not only financially but spiritually. He was my blessing from God. Do you ever think that some times the Lord intervenes and has things happen to you even when you don't deserve them? Well, I guess that is what happened when Jesus died on the cross, but I'm talking about here on earth, today. I totally believe that God placed him in my life at the right moment and time. We both were ready to be married. So, we were married February 8, 2006.

We went to the court house and said our vows in front of a judge and a few witnesses. We kissed and the rest is history.

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